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KC Christensen
735 E Green ST
Bensenville, IL 60106

Phone: 630-238-2660
Fax: 847-963-6738

KEC12071 AMF Glen 160 QT Planetary Mixer

KEC12102 Autoprod dula lane 5lb tub filler

KEC121021 Complete macaroni & potato Salad processing and packaging line. Over 60000LBs per hour


Institute of Packaging Professionals

Institute of Packaging Professionals

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DescNew: 3M-Matic A20 Case Sealer w/Side Belt Drive. Adjustable bottom belt drive case sealer provides a dependable and affordable means of top and bottom sealing of uniform RSCs. With quick, easy adjustments you can seal a wide range of case heights and sizes at up to 30 cases per minute. Includes 3M(TM) AccuGlide(TM) Taping Head 2+ for low impact application of tape 36mm to 48mm wide. It features a reliable motor drive, dual masts for taping head stability, and laced belts with traction grip for reliable feeding. Call (847)963-1201 for additional information. (Sold!)
ModelllA20 Case Sealer Side Belt Drive (Sold!)
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